


The anime is an adaptation of the popular series "Astroboy" based on a manga by Naoki Urasawa. It takes place in the future, in which robots have advanced so far in artificial intelligence that they can feel emotions. The villain of the story is someone who lost his family in a war fought by incredibly strong robots, so he is consumed by hate and revenge and seeks to kill all of the strongest robots in the world. The main characters are Gesicht, a detective robot, and Adam, who is another powerful robot modeled after Astroboy.

 I think the strength of this anime was in its poignant themes about war, the cycle of hatred, and empathy. Also given that AI seems to be developing very quickly, it was incredibly relevant for our time as it projects a possible future for our world. I also thought many of the secondary characters were incredibly well-written, which helped enrich the story. There were many heartwarming moments, tragic moments, plot twists, and impactful messages. 

The voice actors' performances were amazing, as was the animation and directing. There were so many stunning visuals like the one above. I was able to recognize various forms, phrases, and vocabulary words, but I could not understand a lot of the technological jargon they used to discuss the robots. 


  1. I'm really excited to watch this! It looks so cool and I've heard a lot of good things about it.


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